Queue  1.0.0
A C++17 Library of various `queue` containers
circular_queue< T, Alloc > Member List

This is the complete list of members for circular_queue< T, Alloc >, including all inherited members.

allocator_type typedefcircular_queue< T, Alloc >
assign(InputIterator first, InputIterator last)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
assign(size_type n, const value_type &val)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
assign(std::initializer_list< value_type > il)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
at(size_type n)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
at(size_type n) constcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
back()circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
back() constcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
begin() noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
begin() const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
capacity() const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
cbegin() const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
cend() const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
circular_queue(size_type capacity, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())circular_queue< T, Alloc >inlineexplicit
circular_queue(size_type capacity, const value_type &val, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())circular_queue< T, Alloc >inlineexplicit
circular_queue(InputIterator first, InputIterator last, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type(), typename std::enable_if<!std::is_integral< InputIterator >::value >::type *=0)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inlineexplicit
circular_queue(std::initializer_list< value_type > il, const allocator_type &alloc=allocator_type())circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
circular_queue(const circular_queue &other)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
circular_queue(circular_queue &&other) noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
clear() noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
const_pointer typedefcircular_queue< T, Alloc >
const_reference typedefcircular_queue< T, Alloc >
const_reverse_iterator typedefcircular_queue< T, Alloc >
copy(const_iterator first, const_iterator last, value_type *destination, copyFunctor cf) const -> decltype(cf((void *) destination,(void *) first.m_pointer.ptr,((last.m_pointer.ptr - first.m_pointer.ptr) *sizeof(value_type))))circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
crbegin() const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
crend() const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
decrement(queue_pointer p, difference_type n) const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inlineprotected
decrement(const_queue_pointer p, difference_type n, bool &parity) const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inlineprotected
difference_type typedefcircular_queue< T, Alloc >
emplace(const_iterator position, Args &&... args)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
emplace_back(Args &&... args)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
emplace_front(Args &&... args)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
empty() const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
end() noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
end() const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
erase(const_iterator position)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
erase(const_iterator first, const_iterator last)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
front() noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
front() const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
full() const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
get_allocator() const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
increment(queue_pointer p, difference_type n) const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inlineprotected
increment(const_queue_pointer p, difference_type n) const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inlineprotected
insert(const_iterator position, const value_type &val)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
insert(const_iterator position, value_type &&val)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
insert(const_iterator position, size_type n, const value_type &val)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
insert(const_iterator position, InputIterator first, InputIterator last)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
insert(const_iterator position, std::initializer_list< value_type > il)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
m_alloccircular_queue< T, Alloc >protected
m_capacitycircular_queue< T, Alloc >protected
m_datacircular_queue< T, Alloc >protected
m_headcircular_queue< T, Alloc >protected
m_tailcircular_queue< T, Alloc >protected
max_size() const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
operator=(const circular_queue &other)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
operator=(circular_queue &&other) noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
operator=(std::initializer_list< value_type > il)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
operator[](size_type n)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
operator[](size_type n) constcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
pointer typedefcircular_queue< T, Alloc >
pop_back() noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
pop_front() noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
push_back(const value_type &val)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
push_back(value_type &&val)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
push_front(const value_type &val)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
push_front(value_type &&val)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
rbegin() noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
rbegin() const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
reallocate(size_type n)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inlineprotected
reference typedefcircular_queue< T, Alloc >
rend() noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
rend() const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
reserve(size_type n)circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
resize(size_type n, const value_type &val=value_type())circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
reverse_iterator typedefcircular_queue< T, Alloc >
shrink_to_fit()circular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
size() const noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
size_type typedefcircular_queue< T, Alloc >
swap(circular_queue &other) noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inline
swapDownTo(const_iterator position, size_type n) noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inlineprotected
swapUpToEnd(const_iterator position, size_type n) noexceptcircular_queue< T, Alloc >inlineprotected
value_type typedefcircular_queue< T, Alloc >
~circular_queue()circular_queue< T, Alloc >inlinevirtual