Unit Conversion and Dimensional Analysis Library  2.3.0
A compile-time c++14 unit conversion library
Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 NunitsUnit Conversion Library namespace
 NaccelerationNamespace for unit types and containers representing acceleration values
 NangleNamespace for unit types and containers representing angle values
 Nangular_velocityNamespace for unit types and containers representing angular velocity values
 NareaNamespace for unit types and containers representing area values
 NcapacitanceNamespace for unit types and containers representing capacitance values
 NcategoryNamespace representing the implemented base and derived unit types
 NchargeNamespace for unit types and containers representing charge values
 NconcentrationNamespace for unit types and containers representing concentration values
 NconductanceNamespace for unit types and containers representing conductance values
 NconstantsNamespace for physical constants like PI and Avogadro's Number
 NcurrentNamespace for unit types and containers representing current values
 NdataNamespace for unit types and containers representing data values
 Ndata_transfer_rateNamespace for unit types and containers representing data values
 NdensityNamespace for unit types and containers representing density values
 NdimensionlessNamespace for unit types and containers for units that have no dimension (scalar units)
 NenergyNamespace for unit types and containers representing energy values
 NforceNamespace for unit types and containers representing force values
 NfrequencyNamespace for unit types and containers representing frequency values
 NilluminanceNamespace for unit types and containers representing illuminance values
 NimpedanceNamespace for unit types and containers representing impedance values
 NinductanceNamespace for unit types and containers representing inductance values
 NlengthNamespace for unit types and containers representing length values
 NliteralsNamespace for unit literal definitions of all categories
 Nluminous_fluxNamespace for unit types and containers representing luminous_flux values
 Nluminous_intensityNamespace for unit types and containers representing luminous_intensity values
 Nmagnetic_field_strengthNamespace for unit types and containers representing magnetic_field_strength values
 Nmagnetic_fluxNamespace for unit types and containers representing magnetic_flux values
 NmassNamespace for unit types and containers representing mass values
 NmathNamespace for unit-enabled versions of the <cmath> library
 NpowerNamespace for unit types and containers representing power values
 NpressureNamespace for unit types and containers representing pressure values
 NradiationNamespace for unit types and containers representing radiation values
 Nsolid_angleNamespace for unit types and containers representing solid_angle values
 NsubstanceNamespace for unit types and containers representing substance values
 NtemperatureNamespace for unit types and containers representing temperature values
 NtimeNamespace for unit types and containers representing time values
 NtorqueNamespace for unit types and containers representing torque values
 NtraitsNamespace representing type traits which can access the properties of types provided by the units library
 NvelocityNamespace for unit types and containers representing velocity values
 NvoltageNamespace for unit types and containers representing voltage values
 NvolumeNamespace for unit types and containers representing volume values